What is Particle Size Distribution D10, D10 Particle Size 101-

  • Particle size Distribution D10 is also written as X10, D(0,1) or X(0,1).
  • It represents the particle diameter corresponding to 10% cumulative (from 0 to 100%) undersize particle size distribution. In other words, if particle size D10 is 7.8um, we can say 10% of the particles in the tested sample are smaller than 7.8 micrometer, or the percentage of particles smaller than 7.8 micrometer is 10%. D10 is a typical point in particle size distribution analysis. D10 is also divided into Dv10, Dw10 and Dn10. Dv10 means volume D10, whereas Dw10 is mass D10 and Dn10 is number D10
HMK-CD2 Particle Size Distribution Analyzer size range 0.01-3000 micrometer

HMK-CD2 Particle Size Distribution Analyzer size range 0.01-3000 micrometer

  • In a Malvern Mastersizer Result Analysis Report of Particle Size Analyzer the D10 is represent as D(0.10)
AS-2011 Laser Particle Size Analyzer

AS-2011 Laser Particle Size Analyzer size range 0.1 to 500 micrometer

  • In a AimSizer Particle Size Distribution Result Analysis Report the D10 is represent as D10.
  • Particle Size D10 is used to represent the test results obtained by laser diffraction method.
  • Particle size distribution D10 is one of the D values being widely used in describing particle size distributions.
  • The D10 grain size is commonly used to represent the midpoint and range of the particle sizes of a given sample.
  • ISO 12984-2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium – Calcined coke – Determination of particle size distribution
HMK-CD2 Particle Size Distribution Analyzer size range 0.01-3000 micrometer

HMK-CD2 Particle Size Distribution Analyzer size range 0.01-3000 micrometer

Particle Size D10