AimSizer, i Am Sizer Solutions

2001-9 What role does the test tube play in the operation of the rotary sample splitter?

2001-9 What role does the test tube play in the operation of the rotary sample splitter?

During the rotary sample splitting process, the tube rotates with the motor and collect the sample sent from the vibration sampler. The speed of rotation is usually fixed so that the same representation can be achieved. However, this speed can be adjusted between low speed, medium speed and high speed due to different samples, or like the HMK-2001 Micro Rotary Sample Splitter, the required speed can be adjusted by the operator. Once the speed is adjusted successfully, it should be determined, do not change in the process of splitting, otherwise it will affect the quality of splitting.

HMKDivider 2001 Rotary Sample Divider, Rotary Splitter, Spinning Riffer