301-30 the price of tapped density meter

Generally speaking the price of tapped density meter is not high. Users will easily find many manufacturers and sellers when purchasing tapped density meter. We suggest that users choose powerful manufacturers and manufacturers with leading technology such as HMKTest.
Tapped density meter on the market are generally divided into three types according to the price:
• The first type has the lowest price. It is generally below 5000 yuan. The characteristic of this type of tapped density meter is that it sets the time through timer. Time X motor speed is equal to the number of rotations. The vibration platform is single platform. Only one sample can be tested each time.
• The second type has the medium price. It is generally below 8000 yuan. The characteristic of this type of tapped density meter is singlechip machine. It can set any number of times, and it has printing function. The platform is generally double platform. Two samples can be tested each time.
• The third type has the highest price. It is generally below 15000 yuan. The characteristic of this type of tapped density meter is that it not only has singlechip machine and printer and touch screen, but also can test the fluidity index of the power. At present on the market only HMKTest’s LABULK 0335 is accord with this kind of high-end tapped density meter.

LABULK 0335 Tapped Density Tester︱Tap Density Tester︱Tapped Density Analyzer︱Tapped Density Meter