AimSizer, i Am Sizer Solutions

201-42 Average particle size analyzer and fisher sub sieve sizer

Average particle size analyzer and fisher sub sieve sizer are the same instrument. it is called average particle size analyzer because the instrument can only measure the powder’s average particle size, not the particle size distribution. It is called fisher sub sieve sizer, because it was first produced by Fisher Scientific. Its main function is to measure the particle size, so we call it one of the particle size analyzers. The working principle of HMK-22 fisher sub sieve sizer is the same as that of fisher sub sieve sizer, and the measuring results are completely consistent. It has been widely used in the international and domestic market.

fisher scientific sub sieve sizer model 95 parts

fisher scientific sub sieve sizer model 95 parts

HMK-22 Fisher Sub-sieve Sizer and Fisher Scientific Sub-sieve Sizer Model 95 Parts Supplier Price Manual



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